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kencko member spotlight: meet AJ

Meet AJ, one of our amazing kencko ambassadors! We caught up with him from his home in Atlanta, Georgia, to chat a bit about nutrition, as well as wellness for men – a subset of the population that doesn’t always prioritize self-care.

kencko member spotlight: meet AJ


What is your favorite kencko flavor or product, and why?

My favorite is peaches. I have a sweet tooth and this is a healthy way of satisfying it. It’s also been really great for my skin health! 


It's great to see you sharing tips on self-care for men. What inspired you to start sharing the content you do on your social media accounts?


One of my good friends introduced me to meditation, journaling, and all of these different forms of self-care. I was amazed at how much it did for me mentally and how much it grew me as a person. I started to share many of the books I read, or my favorite guided meditations, and I would get so many questions about my self-care routine because I just seemed so at peace to others. And that’s when it started. I decided to share my routine and tips for self-care, and here we are today. 


We love having you as a part of our kencko ambassador community! Why did you initially decide to become a kencko ambassador?

I just loved what the kencko brand promoted: healthy eating and healthy living. Also, the smoothies looked really good and the bottles were pretty cool looking! 


What changes have you seen in your life since introducing kencko into your routine?


I’ve definitely felt healthier and stronger. I’m having my daily serving of fruits and veggies, and it’s improved various parts of my health like my skin, my mood, my recovery after a workout, and so much more. 


You mention soft living in your social media platforms. Could you tell us more about what this means for you and how you embody this philosophy in your everyday life?

The “soft life” is a mindset for me. Many others relate it to self-care activities, but for me, it’s about the mindset: a calm mind, a soft approach to life, a state of relaxation, and being at peace with things. Good or bad, choosing to deal with things from a peaceful mind state. 


I wake up every day and start it with meditation and gratitude. Learning to be grateful for life and everything that comes with it helps me to approach things softer. 


Whenever there are downhills, I’m happy because I know an uphill is coming. There are no failures, only lessons and opportunities to be better. That’s how I embody this in my everyday life. 


What are three of your favorite tips for self-care?

My three favorite tips for self-care are: 


1. Meditation, or anything that relaxes/eases your mind;


2. Having a great grooming routine because when you look good you feel good;


3. Being of service to others. Self-care is service. We all know the feeling we get when we do something nice for someone else. It feels good! And 9 times out of 10, it inspires that person to do the same for someone else. 


Are there any key things you’ve learned or insights you’ve gathered along your health journey and/or while having kencko?

Just prioritize your health and well-being. I had goals of how I wanted to look, but through consistently prioritizing my health and working out, I learned great skills like discipline, self-control, and balance. 


It became less about how I looked and more of what I could learn on this journey. Learning those have been my greatest accomplishments throughout my health journey. I’ve learned skills that will take me very far in life. 


What advice would you give to someone looking to implement and stick to healthy goals in their life?

Find ways to make being healthy fun and have some balance. It’s okay to have your favorite meal or snack, as long as you do it in moderation. It’s okay to take a day off from the gym. 


It’s so much easier to get better about your health when you don’t start out in a way that completely shuts you out from all the things you like. Try easing into working out and eating healthier. After a while, your body will begin to crave the things that are better for your health. 


there's more good content where that came from

fruits and plants